
Category: Well Vision

Proper Contact Lens Wear

Here at Associated Eye Care, Halloween is a big deal. Each year doctors and staff dress up in costumes vying for the coveted award of Best in Show. Last year it was a Hulk Hogan look-alike that took home top honors. It’s a fun day for patients and staff. However, there is a scary side… Read More

Healthy Aging and The Eyes

September is Healthy Aging Month. So what are some of the factors to consider when thinking about healthy aging of the eyes? Many of the eye conditions that we encounter in the aging population, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and even dry eyes are impacted by the individual’s nutritional status and… Read More

Eye Safety in the Workplace

Each year, there are over 20,000 cases of work-related eye injuries in the United States alone as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These cases of ocular trauma comprise an estimated 10- 20% of all occupational injuries. By utilizing proper safety precautions, it is estimated that nearly 90% of these incidents could have… Read More

Fact or Fiction: Is Eating Carrots Good for Your Eyes?

“Is eating carrots good for your eyes?” This question dates back to World War II, when carrots became associated with improved night vision. A British fighter pilot named John “Cats’ Eyes” Cunningham claimed his expert night flying was due to the carrots he was eating. This inspired many British people to start growing and eating… Read More

Back to School: Does My Child Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

As summer winds down and preparations for a new school year begin, for many children this means a return to the primary care provider for a back to school physical. For kids who wear glasses, this is also a common time of year to return to the eye doctor for a routine eye health checkup… Read More

Sports Safety: Preventing Sports Related Eye Injuries

Trauma is a leading cause of preventable vision loss in adults and children in the United States. Although most adults have trauma through work-related injuries, eye trauma in children usually occurs while playing sports. Over the last few decades, improvements in equipment have decreased the incidence of sports- related trauma in children significantly. One great… Read More

Sjogren’s Syndrome: More Than Meets The “Eye”

Since Dr. Henrik Sjögren first identified and named the disease in 1933, it has been proven to affect virtually every racial and ethnic group. Awareness in regards to Sjogren’s syndrome is still lacking and increasing professional awareness is needed to help advance new diagnoses and treatment possibilities.  Sjogren’s syndrome is a disorder of the immune… Read More

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