
Expanding Services in Western Wisconsin in 2023

Learn how the new Western Wisconsin Eye Center of Excellence can assist the community with cradle-to-grave medical and surgical eye care. Podcast with Associated Eye Care ophthalmologist, Dr. Gary S. Schwartz.

Annual medical exam? Check. Bi-annual dental appointment? Scheduled. Yearly eye exam? No? You don’t need glasses? The clinics are all too far away? There is an ophthalmologist you need to meet – Dr. Gary Schwartz from Associated Eye Care.

Dr. Schwartz explains how Associated Eye Care will be relocating from a small, one-doctor office on the Hudson Hospital campus to a large 4-doctor office in the new Hudson Medical Center in early 2023. He calls this new location their Western Wisconsin hub, where they will provide local communities with more convenient, comprehensive vision and eye care services.

In this podcast, Dr. Schwartz discusses how their move will positively affect Western Wisconsin and what is new in eye care. He tackles topics such as being a cradle-to-grave practice, why perfect vision isn’t necessarily the same thing as perfectly healthy eyes, “not-your-parents” eye care, the impact COVID-19 has had on children’s vision, and more!

About the author

Image of Gary S. Schwartz, M.D., M.H.A.

Gary S. Schwartz, M.D., M.H.A.

Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Refractive Surgery (Including LASIK), Cataract Surgery,

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